Thursday, March 10, 2011

House Judiciary Committee Republicans want answers from Holder on Gunwalker

“Republicans Want Answers on ATF Gun Trafficking Program,” a news release on the website of Rep. Lamar Smith proclaims. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes an extremely significant development. Any bets on whether Eric Holder meets the Mar. 18 deadline or stonewalls?

What...? No takers...?

Also catch up on some easy listening.


  1. If and thats a huge "if" the American citizens get to see a real investigation into Gunwalker. My hunch by the timing of the operation by ATF, it will go to the doorsteps of Hillary Clinton for one of many. I'm sure many clearly remember her making a bunch of noise on her soapbox about American guns going into Mexico. This was at the start of Gunwalker. The Clintons are as dirty as it gets in attacking the Second Amendment. A perfect example of that is, a gun law that went retroactive taking away citizens Second Amendment rights. And on top of it all, the law was buried in a spending bill and the democrats told the republicans when directly asked that there was no gun laws buried in the bill.
    The perfect payback in the form of justice in our justice system would be to expose Hillary Clinton's dirty deeds if there are any in Gunwalker. A safe bet is she's in the loop and knew from the onset. She lent her support by getting in front of the media to bring light to the manufactured problem of American guns going south to Mexico. If she didn't know and she's clean than she needs to step up and help expose the rotten apples behind Gunwalker. Her actions will be her judge and jury, keep an eye on this Clinton.


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