Thursday, March 31, 2011

Outing FOIDers

Note the word “legally.” The AP demands to make public the names of everyone who has shown a willingness to jump through hoops and comply with the law. That will do nothing to identify criminals, the ones creating all the problems, who just ignore it. So naturally, the anti-gun lobby, the “mainstream” media and opportunistic government officials are all for it, including Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who issued a ruling saying the list must be disclosed. [More]

I see GUNS Magazine posted my July piece to their website while I was on hiatus. I need to train them to tell me when they do this so I can help publicize it.

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  1. Instead of publishing all the FOID holders, why not request a list of names of all those who are eligible for the FOID (no felonies, domestic abuse misdemeanors, no substance abuse history, no mental illness history) along with lists of names associated with each type of disqualifier. At the same time, also publish the names and addresses of all judicial staff and law enforcement officers, current and former, whether retired or discharged from their positions. These officers are trained and proficient, and should adequately handle any and all intruders, even if the officers are of advanced age or disabled.

    Essentially, is not the FOID an indicator of an eligible, disqualifier-free non-LEO citizen who was willing to pay "extra" for the ability to exercise one of his or her rights without legal retribution from the state?

    You have the right to pay extra. If you do choose to pay extra, that payment can and will be used against you.

    Let's bring back the poll tax, too. That was a good example of people paying extra for the right to vote.

    Unfair? None of the above is "fair".

    Work for Constitutional Carry in each and every state and commonwealth, with the only list published to be the list of registered voters.

  2. Seems to me it is an invasion of personal privacy.

    Clearly, not something that should be published.

    Would they publish all the names of people in IL who purchased transsexual pr0n?

    I think not.

  3. I know several police officers in Chicago and a few State Troopers and they go to extreme measures to make sure it is very, very difficult to find out where they live. Unlisted phone numbers, PO boxes for mail, and, in the case of the Troopers, not telling anyone outside the job and their family even what town they live in. Now the AP, along with the whacked out witch Lisa Madigan, want to out all of the FOID owners? WTF?


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