Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Contact

Tips for armed close encounters. [Read]

[Via Kevin Starrett]


  1. This guy needs to get over the idea that concealed carry is the only appropriate carry. I get SOOOO sick of this attitude.

    How stupid to see an openly carried firearm as any kind of threat, in and of itself... but somehow a concealed on is not?

    He has it right: it's the person and their actions/attitude, not the weapon. But he screws it up with the rest of it.

  2. Article and comments mostly "believe any 'reasonable person' would understand a police officer taking a firearm during the brief contact on the side of the road". How bass-ackwards is that!?

    Procedure should be that EMPLOYEES hand over theirs during the encounter, "for citizen safety". When you're done chuckling... remember we hire them to perform a job for us.

    Sadly, the tone over there is one of overlords and prison guards and 'enforcers' LEOs, lording over and deciding what privileges the little people may or may not be allowed when in their presence.

    It's good that a discussion about open and concealed carry is taking place. On the other hand, it's a shame the discussion is even necessary. And it's a shame that not one commenter remembered that they serve the taxpayers who employ them.

    Time for a campaign to "disarm enforcers for citizen safety". The DEFCS campaign can highlight incidents of LEO mishandling of weapons, for the ultimate purpose of disarming the thugs (thug=enforcer), to make the streets safe again. Data shows that communities are safer when more citizens have guns; while crime and violent crime is higher in communities that have force inbalance in favor of enforcers.

    Disarm those employees. Look at all the trouble they're causing.

    DEFCS would be no more stupid than the Brady Bunch pr campaign; and getting the meme out there educates folks about (a) founders intent with 2A, (b) why the 'enforcers' need to stand down and go back to 'policing', and (c) that 'we the people' are the ultimate authority, not some rent-a-doufuss in a blue costume or a judge or some kleptocrat.

    Maybe someone could improve on the acronym DEFCS...

  3. And also he supports the cops, yadda, yadda. Why support the tax feeding hogs who don't give a damn about anything? How about support the citizens who pay the freight for all of this?


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