Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Here's an Idea...

Move back to Jersey. [Read]

[Via Scott J]


  1. This what we Southrons have to deal with almost every day. We have a local shop that offers a bumper sticker that reads, "We don't care how you did it UP THERE" with the Confederate Battle flag for emphasis.

    What that lily-livered little coward needs most of all is a reminder that we do like to shoot things here, most of all, we like to shoot whining Yankees.

  2. The comments after that article were truly sad.

  3. From the article (my emphasis):

    Recently, a "peace index" released by the nonprofit Institute for Economics and Peace confirmed my anecdotal experience. The institute uses the word "peace" as a proxy for "absence of violence." Among the regions of the country, the Northeast was deemed the most "peaceful," while the Southeast was found to be the least "peaceful."

    The institute used five indicators to determine level of peacefulness: violent crimes, homicides, incarceration rates, policing and availability of small arms.

    Get it? He argues that it's more "peaceful" where there are fewer guns, and then "proves" it, through use of a formula that (somehow) determines that "peace" is, in part, a function of a lack of guns!

    That goes well beyond circular "reasoning"--it's "helical reasoning," maybe.

  4. I have a feeling this is a pre-fab hit piece. It has all the classic signs of liberal-speak.

    Be prepared to see more like it around the nation.

  5. Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist?


  6. I looked Mr. Chiles up, turns out he's black and has located in the South for, ahem, a hidden agenda. It's not really particularly well hidden in that article, though.

    Whet he must not know is that, in the South, blacks are as heavily armed as the rest of us.

    He'd better assimilate or GTFO.


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