Monday, April 18, 2011

Well, I'm Back

I'm catching up on the flood of emails, then need to educate myself on all the Gunwalker developments that happened in my absence, which appear to be significant.

I offer sincere thanks to those who offered prayers.  Things have stabilized for the moment, albeit the condition is heartbreaking. I'm probably not going to say any more about this just now as it involves personal health matters of someone I love who is not a public figure and who always respected the privacy of others.


  1. more prayers on their way brother ...

  2. Welcome back - prayers will still go up.

  3. Praying is like Chicago voting - best done early and often.

  4. Welcome back...And my thoughts go with you.

  5. yes - understood. prayers will continue for all.

  6. Welcome back ... My thoughts are with you and yours.


  7. You and yours are ever in my prayers.

  8. I'll keep praying for you and yours David. Been through this myself.

  9. Add me to the prayer list! I've been through it too.

  10. So glad you are back. You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers each day... and will continue to be.

  11. In your absence, Ive been worried for you! Life aint easy. My prayers for your family.. more power to you for keeping up the most excellent work under trying circumstances; it is the grass roots that will save this country from the dark plague we are now under and your beacon is helping to awaken the masses. We all must redouble our efforts. Long live David Codrea and his loved ones. Thanks more than I can say.

  12. Prayers up and God bless you all.

    Russ Nixon

  13. David, I know exactly what you are going through, been there and done that - hated it. Prayers for you and your family in this difficult time.


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