Monday, April 04, 2011

Wrapped Around the Axle

Mike and I were going to do simultaneous releases on some valuable and insightful opinions from "a former federal employee" about the forces at work in government that could cooperate to make "Project Gunwalker" go away.

Personal family matters precluded me doing any work on this yesterday, and since Mike was ready to go with this take, I told him no sense waiting for me--especially since I just received the response to my ATF FOIA and have to spend the rest of the afternoon reading and scanning the 100+ pages into a pdf document I can post and share.

So go here for Mike's post (actually, read this one first for a deeper understanding), and I'll try to get an Examiner piece out on it tomorrow or the next day--the main points I want to make are how this makes it imperative for NRA to play the grade reduction/endorsement withholding card, and how all of us need to spread the words about the "Old Bloody Hands" & Co. shell game.

In the mean time, I've got some drudgework  that'll keep me off the streets...

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