Sunday, May 22, 2011

Informant in raw video gives Fox News explosive details about Gunwalker

  • The informant says he has been instructed not to share information between agencies (which adds corroboration to that DEA/ATF turf war mentioned above, as well as countless other reports alleging same).
  • He asserts Mexico is receiving weapons with approval of U.S. authorities.
  • He accuses “paid” U.S. and Mexican law enforcement officers of facilitating illegal transfers.
  • He corroborates that the Mexican government was intentionally not informed of these activities.
  • He discloses that military grade weapons are flowing north to the U.S. at the direction of government and military authorities in Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras, and through Mexico, and that this helps account for such weaponry being found at crime scenes.
  • He was “told to completely ignore” information on the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
  • He accuses U.S. authorities of having “fingers in the cookie jar” and being more concerned with not having “egg on their faces” than interdicting weapons.
  • He indicates there were “like and similar projects” to Gunwalker. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes such serious criminal allegations--if borne out--ought to literally be enough to topple an administration.  Not that bulk of "Authorized Journalists" have any interest in pursuing the truth of this matter.

Which is why we must rely on interested readers to spread the word.  Will you?

Also catch tonight's Armed American Radio for a Gunwalker update.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that ATF will have rationalizations to explain away every one of those points. Who has the authority to hold them accountable and the will to do it?


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