Friday, May 06, 2011

Minimum Standards

Since judges were typically handing out sentences of less than a year for straw purchasers and just over a year for providing false information on a firearms application – the most common charges brought against gun traffickers – U.S. attorneys said that it wasn't worth their time to prosecute cases with only one or two charges against the defendant. The attorneys told ATF that if they wanted a gun-trafficking case prosecuted, the defendant needed a minimum of 10 to 20 separate offenses against him and there needed to be a tie between a gun the defendant had purchased and at least one violent crime. [More]

Hell, they should have just had their lab techs work the single purchases over until they could get them to malfunction out more than one shot per trigger squeeze...

1 comment:

  1. Markie Marxist sez: "Cool! Not enforcing gun laws on the books helps us when we call for more gun laws, because if we don't enforce existing gun laws, it's like we don't have any gun laws, which is always the view we take when we call for more gun laws. It's just common communist sense like that! Ha! Ha! All your gun laws are belong to us, and it's like we don't have any gun laws, so we need lots and lots more gun laws! Ha! Ha!"


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