Monday, June 06, 2011

The Dangers of Bone-Headed Fascist "Progressives" (But I Repeat Myself)

Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies. [More]
Tell you what, Fist...uh...Glover. You forcibly tattoo me.

What is it, drunk stupid Aussie week or something?


  1. And what about a tatoo for the believers? So in 20 or 40 years when proved wrong we can laugh at them?

    He is great at suggesting our punnishment in 20 years, how about theirs? How about they loose all rights to vote or have any say if proven wrong? How about they have to sell all they own to pay back those they have harmed with this BS??

    it should go both ways. . . but then agian this is a religion to them so I guess not. . .

  2. Remember these are your typical violent liberals who have zero remorse for having the blood of over fifty-million butchered babies on their hands.
    We are seeing the actions and comments of some of the most mentally ill members of the human race. Sorry folks to drag the rest of you in the same ballpark as them but at least we believe in, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  3. I read, with great interest, an article in NEWSEEK, the other day.
    Wondering why we don't believe in global warming; now being called climate change. Are we of insufficient intelligence to grasp the facts?
    Then I remembered an aricle that appeared in April 28, 1975 issue. That one decried our inability to grasp the facts concerning global cooling and the coming of a new ice age.
    Good thing I didn't get that tattoo.


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