Sunday, June 26, 2011

‘Day by Day’ does best Gunwalker cartoon yet!

Chris Muir, who produces the popular webcomic Day by Day, features a "Project Gunwalker" storyline in today's strip—hands-down the most on-target and brilliant skewering I’ve seen to date... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary says forget the news and read the Sunday funnies. You'll learn more about what's really happening that way.

1 comment:

  1. We've heard about the guns that went over the border from private dealers, but what about guns from US government arsenals that were supposedly sent to the Mexican government, but that the US knew were going to end up with the cartels? That's a whole 'nother can of worms, and maybe easier for them to cover up, but more guns may have gone to criminals by that route, which seems to have been the administration's policy goal.
    If we can connect the private guns going to the cartels with public guns going to the cartels, that consistency would be a clear cut indication of deliberate intent to arm criminals. That would mean impeachment.
    Where are today's Woodwards and Bernsteins? Oh, yeah, flakking for the administration.


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