Thursday, July 07, 2011


That's the key to this mess -- and the reason that Operation Fast and Furious might turn out to be the biggest Washington scandal since Iran-Contra.

As Issa and Grassley note in their letter, had the other agencies shared information -- theoretically the goal of the post-9/11 revamp of the intelligence and law-enforcement agencies -- "then ATF might have known that gun trafficking 'higher-ups' had already been identified."

So if the identities of the Mexican criminals were known to the feds, what was the point of Project Gunrunner -- and why is Holder so desperately trying to stonewall by withholding hundreds of documents from Congress?

Law-abiding gun owners and dealers think they already know. With the Obama administration wedded to the fiction that 90 percent of the guns Mexican cartels use originate here -- they don't -- many suspect that "Fast and Furious" was a backdoor attempt to smear domestic gun aficionados as part of its stealth efforts on gun control by executive fiat. [More]
The New York Post publishes a kick-ass Gunwalker column that doesn't call for more citizen disarmament and power for government.

[Via Michael G]


  1. The Post is one thing. But let's not hold our breath waiting for the New York Times to get on board.

  2. Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me)7/07/2011 5:14 PM

    As has been said before, the ONLY way "Project Gunwalker" makes sense is when one sees that the goal is to gin up anti gun hysteria--more ammo, as it were, to assail the Second Amendment.

  3. David,

    Why nor have the FBI or Congress flip Melson and testify against the real culprits?

    Meanwhile, over at Big Government, the question of the day is:

    "Which Was Worse: Watergate or Operation ‘Fast and Furious’?"

    See here:

    As helpfully explained, "No one died during the Watergate break-ins or as a result of Nixon’s cover-up."



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