Friday, July 01, 2011

Closing the Barn Door

Feinstein: Prevent Foreign Felons From Obtaining Firearms [More]
Not "Prevent Foreign Felons From Obtaining Entry...?


  1. Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me)7/01/2011 8:28 PM

    And no comments allowed, by golly! No anti-illegal or pro-gun comments allowed here!

  2. No comments allowed? Communists like Feinstein don't communicate, they produce propaganda and issue orders. Communist domination is a one-way street. She couldn't care less what you think; you're supposed to shut up and obey.
    I can't believe that depraved leftist from Commiefornia is still in office.
    You'll notice how the leftist media dotes on her while trashing Palin at every opportunity.


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