Friday, July 15, 2011

Isn't That Why We Racist Right-Wingers Do EVERYTHING?

Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black [More]
Damn, she found us out!

I'd say more, but I have to go. I'm cooking dinner tonight because Obama is black.

But I'll be back tomorrow. Why?

Because Obama is black, of course.


  1. I'm posting a comment, because Obama is black.

  2. So, nobody ever gave Bush or Clinton a hard time? Comes with the territory. SJL is weapons grade wacko.

  3. Braden Lynch7/16/2011 12:29 AM

    She is as dumb as a pile of rocks.

    Also, I love to point out that the occupant of the White House is bi-racial, neither black nor white.
    He's both!

    So, for all of the white liberals who voted for him because he would be a "black" president, that makes you the racists, not me.

    I want a color blind society, but the liberals do their best to keep racism alive. Evil bastards!

  4. A perfect example of an illiterate boob defending an incompetent one.

  5. @ebd10 - Yeah, and, why? It couldn't be because he's .....?

  6. SJL is one of the elite, having graduated Yale...

  7. Y'all know, Y'all are only half right...

    He IS half ofay


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