Thursday, July 14, 2011

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

'Manorexia' on the rise: Experts blame pressure from male models as more men than ever suffer eating disorders [More]
Good Lord.

Yeah, that pressure from male models can be brutal!

Here's me on Independence Day, finally relaxing after barbecuing for 30, doing my best to fight the scourge of manorexia. I'm binging here. I wouldn't have to purge for at least another hour as I recall, although the two Draughtkegs of Heineken and Newcastle Brown Ale were doing their best to work their magic.

Does this cigar make me look phat?


  1. Can't tell about the phat but I do like the hat.

  2. That's funny! Men with eating disorders? Easy, free formulas below...

    Lose weight formula:
    Eat healthy (not necessarily less), more PT.

    Gain (good) weight formula:
    Eat more, more PT.

    Notice both involve PT, and neither involves "purging".

    Everyone always wants to skip the PT part. Shame.


  3. Newcastle on tap?!!

    Well, what do you care about my jealousy? You male models don't have to concern yourselves with the likes of me.

  4. As Kelly LeBrock used to say in those commercials for damned if I remember, I was looking at Kelly, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."

  5. Don't be silly. I hate you because you have Newcastle (and I don't).


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