Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ATF Agent: 'Only way to track guns would be with crime scenes and dead bodies'

"We’re joined by Vincent Cefalu, an ATF Special Agent who helped blow the whistle on Operation Fast and Furious and has since faced retaliation. 'We allowed these guns to continue on in the hopes of establishing some sort of chain, or iron pipeline, which was so far from the truth,' Cefalu says. 'The only way to [track] the guns would be with crime scenes and dead bodies.'" [More]
Today's second Gun Rights Examiner report features an inconvenient truth.

1 comment:

  1. Markie Marxist sez: "It wasn't a botched operation! We weren't supposed to track the guns, we were just supposed to get them there to up the body count! We needed those dead bodies in Mexico to move our stalled gun control agenda and legislation in the US. There wasn't any effort to get to senior level figures because we weren't trying to get to them - that's why there were no arrests. How could we botch something that was never more than a cover story that we never intended to follow through on? The idea is ridiculous! You can’t botch what you never intended to do in the first place, by not doing it!”
    "Things would have gone along quite smoothly if those darn whistleblowers had kept their big mouths shut! Unfortunately, they spilled the beans and things got messy. Melson had to go because it happened on his watch, but we couldn't fire him because he had only done as he was told. However, that Cefalu guy had to go because he blew the whistle on us! Play ball with us, and the worst that will happen is that we'll ease you into a nice, comfortable sidetrack where you'll have plenty of time to plan your retirement. Mess with us, and you'll be scrounging for scraps in the hardscrabble private sector, Mister! Ha! Ha!"
    “All in all, we accomplished what we set out to do, but it all got kind of messed up with everything going public, such that we might actually be worse off now than we were. I’m still not entirely sure how that happened. It was such a great plan! Using the capitalist gun industry to subvert the capitalist gun industry was pure genius on the part of our dear leaders, Comrade President Obama, and Comrade Attorney General Holder! Where did it all go wrong? Those, disloyal to our Marxist cause, whistleblowers! They were NOT good communists!”


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