Friday, August 19, 2011

We're the Only Ones Sticking to Our Guns Enough

"I did not see any education going on; it looked like it was just fun," she said. [More]

Heavens! We can't have that!

Man, if that doesn't just define the anti-gun regresssive. This old harridan is the embodiment of Mencken's definition of Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. 

They call themselves "liberals," but in truth the gungrabbers are a bunch of tight-a$$ed bluenoses.

On the ever-present other hand, I talked about another report on this story on the radio show yesterday, and one of the cops interviewed said they were doing it to promote "gun control," so I lost all sympathy for their side of things.


  1. Why is the "officer" wearing military style digital camo? Does this not violate the "standing army" rules?

  2. It looked like one of the kids had a grasp of gun control. He was aiming pretty good. Maybe that's the kind of gun control they were talking about.

  3. Perhaps the "Progressives" support Abstinence-Only education after all.

    What's riskier: an "assault weapon" or a blowjob?

    Depends on whom you ask...

  4. "They call themselves 'liberals,' but in truth the gungrabbers are a bunch of tight-a$$ed bluenoses."

    And they call themselves "progressives" too, but they are regressive totalitarians who lie by standing the truth upon its head.


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