Tuesday, September 27, 2011


...reckless...misguided...foolish...lack of sound judgment...a clear failure of leadership...[More]
That's hardly how I would describe it, but then, what do I know?  Mike and I don't rely on those "ongoing media investigations" to get our information--not that anyone relying on "NRA News" would ever know about that--or about us.


  1. Download NRA News audio of 9/26/11 about the Tucson Townhall report by Katie Pavlich with additional interviews by Sheriff Paul Babeu and Rep. Paul Gosar:


    or go to: http://nra.ncms.brandednews.com/audio_podcast.xml
    to download audio file of 9/26/11 NRA News.

    Katie Pavlich report starts at 119.50 minute. Pay particular attention to Gosar's comment about the contention that taxpayers were funding gun sales starting at 138:25 minute. According to Gosar the Oversight Committee denies this contention.

  2. Look on the bright side: no use of the word 'botched' -- that's progress.

    The NRA: moving forward!

  3. Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me)9/27/2011 1:41 PM

    The only way this failed is that people with consciences exposed it for the scam that it is. I had long suspected what you made so clear, David: that it was never meant to sting the drug cartels, but was meant to manipulate the crime gun numbers to justify more attacks on the 2A. It was also NOT meant to be public knowledge. Holder's in on it, and so, I believe, is Obama. After all, he did promise the Bradys something under the radar. And senators are quick to take advantage of it by proposing new anti-gun laws, while everybody (except you and Mike, and other bloggers) pointedly ignore it. Can't have the government held accountable for its crimes, you know.

  4. But David, it IS a failed operation. It failed to accomplish their goals (because it was exposed).
    Sheesh, cut those mainstream media types & the NRB a break, they know exactly what they're saying...
    Or not, I kinda like getting my information from sources that don't have a record of lying to me.
    Keep it up.

  5. Come on Crotalus!

    Held accountable for its crimes?: Don't you know how this works? If you have a super-hero costume and (most importantly) and magic shield, you can't be wrong!

  6. Anon, fear not. The story is solid.

  7. Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me)9/27/2011 9:38 PM

    Magic shield, eh? Good one, Longbow!

    Of course the government thinks it doesn't have to obey the law. They think they ARE the law.


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