Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Gunwalker Timeline

I know what a PITA it is to try and keep the Journalist Guides updated--I can't imagine trying to compile a timeline that involves as many sources as Rinos and Rats just did...[Read]

1 comment:

  1. I'm seeing a pattern in this. The "under the radar" push for more gun control seems to consist of creating facts on the ground to increase pressure to make gun control legislation happen.
    Obama thus avoids the anti-gun rhetoric that would be politically damaging for him at election time, while he increases his chances of getting gun control legislation passed, due to pressure from the public because of overwhelming gun violence.
    Guns walked to Mexico and within the US with ATF knowledge.
    67 shot in MAIG Bloomberg's New York City over the Labor Day weekend per NBC in New York.
    Is Obama allowing unemployment to remain high, in part to encourage young black men to get into the illegal drug trade, where they will be settling disputes by shooting each other, and thus running up the body count that drives gun control legislation? Has his hateful Marxist administration happened to find that to be a desirable side effect of their damaging America's capitalist economy and driving up unemployment?
    There seems to be more gun violence than usual now, and whatever is causing it seems to be "under the radar".
    67 shot in one weekend in New York. That’s a bloodbath right under the nose of Mayor MAIG. Sounds like Obama administration policy in action.


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