Thursday, December 08, 2011

Larry Hincker's 'Very Sound Policy' in Action

Virginia Tech shooting: Gunman at large, two victims, campus on lockdown [More]
In spite of this?

[Via W3]


  1. VT didn't learn a damn thing as a result of the first one, and if the administration runs true to form, they will not learn anything from this one either.

  2. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)12/08/2011 5:07 PM

    Exactly, Kent.

    Say Larry, howzat "No Gunz" policy workin' out for you now? I see that this time, the killer even took out an "Only One" for you.

  3. Oops, someone forgot to turn on the switch for the invisible force field.

  4. In Liz Goodwin's "The Lookout" story,
    the picture with this caption caught my eye:

    "A police officer points his weapon at a student who was not arrested."

    This is how they make it safer for students?

  5. Did anyone else notice that this "breaking news" caused Fox to slow their coverage of the F&F hearings? Does it seem reasonable to you that the ATF just happened to have some (6?) "Specially trained" agents in the vicinity?
    If I'd been the Sheriff there, I'd have rounded up those ATF scoundrels and GSR'd all of them to see who shot the dead guy.
    Interesting to me that there were initial reports of additional shots fired after the officer was shot, but well before the second body was found. No follow up on what that was all about, though.
    I think it reeks of typical BATFE operation.


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