Monday, December 12, 2011

SPLC Shill Paudert Still Making LEOs Wet Pants Over Bumperstickers

And "Authorized Journalistette" Deanna Bettineschi parrots all the talking points right on cue. [More]

You remember this authoritarian menace, right? He teamed up with Waco Jim to make a video that  I wrote about here...

And then decided his enforcers needed "patrol rifles" to make routine traffic stops?

And we're the scary ones.

[Via Dan B]


  1. But David, I thought "profiling" is evil.

    You mean, it's not -- according to THEM?

  2. Suggests removal of bumper stickers...

  3. Sovereign Citizens? Hell, them people believes they don't have to submit to me! They believe they're not the fictitious entity named on their Driver's Permission Slip. They's told when they join that they don't have to pay no taxes or nuthin! Hell, they's juss like the Klan!

    If you see a Ron Paul bumper sticker or a threeper symbol or a copy of the Constitution, run 'em over with a tank and set 'em on fire! (Don't worry, we can call it a suicide later.) These damned civilians gotta lean their place.


    Will Teasle,

    Former Sheriff of Podunkville, Medically Retired Law Imposement Officer, Expert in Non-compliant Streamists (and hippies and vagrants and such)

  4. Odd things about the video depicting the traffic stop of the white minivan that had occupants armed with a rifle:
    1.) There were no bumper stickers.
    2.) The description of the Chrysler manufactured minivan is that it resembled a "church bus". Really? Anything that has a capacity of more than six passengers is a "church bus"? Does the vehicle type have any value as a predictor of the behavior of the passengers or is this another example of "magical thinking"?

    You could get the same result from a Yugo with a "I [heart] elephants" bumper sticker with ten clowns as passengers with nine of the clowns juggling and making balloon animals while the tenth clown pulls out a rifle from his baggy pants. If anything else, the clowns would be more distracting to inattentive LEOs.

    The illusion is that the LEOs have total control of the situation. The reality is that they rarely do.


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