Does Texas gun shop tie in with ‘Project Gunwalker’?

But here’s what my source tells me will validate the earlier reports we've discussed in this column, and the reason for this update:
“This needs to be before congress. If they issue a subpoena, the former attaché to Mexico will confirm it all.” [More]
Additional source contact merited an additional Gun Rights Examiner column today.

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Point and Click

Interesting.  I've never tried it. Instinctively, it seems like there'd be something to it. [Watch]


[Via OKJoe]


"Tyranny, Congressman Peter King and the Tucson massacre": Part One, Two and Three

Don't Click

I see Mike V, Oleg, Mama L...seems to be targeted toward liberty-types...

If you know anybody on this list, warn them about this.  It's either a computer that's been taken over or else an edress spoofing. In any case, they don't want to click on the link.

The Schuler Dilemma

U.S. Rep. and former Redskins quarterback Heath Shuler says he'll carry concealed handgun during public events in NC district [More]
I guess this rules out him appearing anywhere with Peter King...?

[Via Luke]

Because Far Be It From Us to Assume... might just be pooping...[Read]

But they have to smell pot!

No, they have to say they smelled pot.  There's a difference.

Boy, this sure makes me feel like the Blessings of Liberty are being secured for me and my posterio...uh...posterity.

[Via Defender]

With Friends Like These...

“I don’t see any constitutional bar to regulating high-capacity magazines,” Levy said in an interview with NBC.  [More]
Because we all know that's what the Founders meant when they wrote "shall not be infringed"...

Do you maybe see any other kind of bar then, Mr. Levy?

It's not like we haven't seen the pitfalls of entrusting advocacy to those who aren't true believers before. And again.

I have to say, with this guy being chairman of the "libertarian" CATO Institute, it looks like they've just relegated themselves to irrelevance among people who are serious about not taking one more step backward.  Why would anyone who is give them a dime after this?

[Via CCV]

It's Bird, It's a Plane Redux

"I endanger my life with a reason and a purpose," Jones told KOMO's Luke Ducey Monday. [More]
That's not what I object to, although I still think you're being foolhardy, and this latest incident underscores my point. It's not being able to handle situations you escalate that can then endanger the lives of others that I object to.

You have to be prepared to do whatever it takes to end the encounter. You have no right to endanger others by engaging and not being so prepared.

[Via Brian F]

Meanwhile, Over in the Land of Lincoln...

Illinois Lawmakers Approve 66% Tax Hike...In real numbers, if your gross income is $50,000 a year, your state income taxes will rise from $1,500 to $2,500 a year. [More]
It's obvious from who they elected they did not get the message from the November elections.

It does explain why they want to keep their stockyard chattel dehorned, though, does it not?

We're the Only Ones Opening Up Enough

Hastings police officer investigated in alleged theft of $10 bottle opener [More]
No petty offense too small...

Spiking the Bowl

The one Spike Lee floats around in, that is. [Read]

It's no surprise, coming from someone who advocated:
"Shoot [Charlton Heston] with a .44 Bulldog."

[Via correspondent Defender, who notes: "We could send him photos of acres of dead bodies of tribal warfare victims being bulldozed in Rwanda, or pyramids of skulls at the museum of the liquidation camp Tuol Sleng in Cambodia, or that old reliable, Dachau. We haven't done genocide since the 1890s, the Indians."]

Old Business

I got wrapped around the axle yesterday taking care of real life necessities, and wasn't able to post two referrals I'd intended to call your attention to:
  • John Longenecker has a new Safer Streets Newsletter. 
  • Chris Woodard has started the Constitution Watch blog to "track the movement of Congressional bills that are specifically related to the Second Amendment, while also watching other 'Rights' issues."

I also was not able to post my GRE Round Up.  Fortunately, Kurt Hoffman is there to provide back-up, listing every new column but his own.

Bill Maher slanders NRA, gun owners

Maher’s slander is equivalent to nothing less than the spoken form of blood libel...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column decries hate speech, which, naturally, emanates from the same "progressive" media that decries it. They've done a real good job, because I confess I'm feelin' the hate. Not enough to lose control, but enough to dare them to.

Also watch a rerun if you missed the live performance.

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This Day in History: January 13

WE cannot review the progress of the revolution which has given freedom to America, without admiring the goodness and gratefully acknowledge the interposition of Divine Providence. Oppressed by the Prince who ought to have exerted himself for our protection, and suddenly called upon to repel his unprovoked invasion,---without arms or ammunition, without military discipline or permanent finances, without an established government or allies; enfeebled by habitual attachments to our very enemies---We were precipitated into all the expensive operations incident to a state of war, with one of the most formidable nations on earth. [More]