Monday, February 14, 2011

Safer Streets/Liberty News

Longenecker's latest... [Read]

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Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Don’t put wire on your windows – it might hurt burglars! Villagers outraged after police order them not to protect garden sheds [More]
This is my shocked face.

I thought they had already established an open door policy.

Where the hell do they think they are, New Jersey?

[Via Luke]

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

Gelman is accused of stabbing three people to death...[More]
Are they sure they don't mean "spate" instead of "spree"?

The main thing to take away from this story: Furious Mike, Paul Helmke, Josh Horwitz, Josh Sugarmann, Carolyn McCarthy, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Frank Lautenberg, every member of the Congressional Progressive and Black Caucuses, et al., would all rather see you and your loved ones brutally, terrifyingly and agonizingly stabbed to death by a maniac than armed.

They really would.

[Via several of you]

Swiss Miss

Swiss voters firmly rejected a referendum that would have forced soldiers to end the longstanding practice of keeping army-issue firearms at home and tightened restrictions over civilian gun ownership. [More]
Who but a traitor or a fool would push the alternative?

[Via several of you]

Project Gunflooder

Pentagon Fingered as a Source of Narco-Firepower in Mexico [More]
I want to show you something. It's my shocked face.

[Via several of you]

Define "Pressing"

Fox News host Greta Van Susteren is pressing for the White House to come clean with the family of a slain Border Patrol agent and provide details about his death. [More]
Hey Greta: Here are some details.  He even uses the phrase "come clean," so it would appear you share a common goal.

And here are some more details.

I see you're more than eager to give plenty of exposure to Pravda DC's crusade to exploit the Mexican situation to implement a new domestic "assault weapons" ban.

Care to live up to that "fair and balanced" claim?

Press, Greta.

National Border Patrol Council silent on ‘Project Gunwalker’ allegations

We make people leaders for a reason: we expect them to lead. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes sounds of silence coming from a section that by rights, should be making more noise than just about anyone.

Also listen to some "GunTalk."

Add to the volume by sharing the link?

This Day in History: February 14

When 700 loyalists set up camp along Kettle Creek on February 14, 1779, less than a day's march from Fort Heard, they knew to be prepared for an attack. [More]