Friday, April 01, 2011

Public Integrity

A lot has happened in the month since the Center first exposed the controversy over the so-called Fast and Furious probe by the Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. [More]
I'll say.

And even more happened before!

The Elephant Man

GoDaddy Chief Draws Criticism for Elephant Hunting Video [More]
One more reason to continue to renew my domains with them, aside form the excellent service I have enjoyed over the years. If anybody has time, go leave a comment. So far, the bed-wetters are dominating the conversation.

I guess this is what "the paper of record" considers an unbiased "scoop."

A Tempered Response

TOM Selleck has quite the temper!

The actor apparently flew off the handle when an extra on the set of his TV show Blue Bloods picked up a real gun and started pointing it at people! [More]
Right. Respond appropriately to a moron endangering lives and you're "hot-headed."

Written by a moron who no doubt would call self-defense "vigilantism."

Kudos, Mr. Selleck. Good job.

Target Selection

Arctic Patriot explains "the importance of target discrimination, selection, and engagement." [More]

Issa explains ATF subpoena on video

Still to be determined by testimony and documentation: Were Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious truly "sting operations that went very bad,"  or will initial allegations from CleanUpATF that one of the motives was to "pad statistics" get further corroboration? An objective analysis of what has been alleged and what has come to light will show their track record has been pretty good so far. [Read]
Includes embedded video...we still need to work on the "it was a mistake" assumption.

Breuer Confesses: Implicates Holder

"You have no idea the pressure we were under," the diminutive assistant AG sobbed in front of news cameras.  "Some of us tried to talk reason into him, but then he'd take off his belt--right in the middle of a staff meeting--and start swinging."   [More]
Also see:
GOP Pledges Second Amendment "Litmus Test"
Holder Gun Discharge Injures Mexican President
NRA: Arm the Teachers!
Brady President Detained on Airport Gun Charge
Kennedy Dog Injured in Gun Mishap
BREAKING NEWS: Feinstein Arrested After Gun Mishap

Inflation Explained

Another very troubling aspect of this case – and one which has only been raised by "gun rights extremists" such as myself and the two bloggers who are really responsible for breaking the story in the first place and forcing it onto politicians and the media, Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea – is the fact that ATF and administration officials have aggressively advocated for more restrictions on U.S. firearms sales and more money for ATF enforcement activities, all based on gun trace numbers which they knew were artificially inflated by their own programs. [More]
Jeff Knox continues his "Project Gunwalker" coverage for WorldNetDaily.

TX: SB354‏ Update

From Jack Burch:
SB354, Campus Carry, passed out of the Criminal Justice committee yesterday with a 4-2 vote. It will now be set for a floor debate and vote before the entire Texas Senate. Two possibilities now exist: First is a vote in each chamber of the house and senate with a conference committee afterward as the two bills are different or Second, aligning the two bills before they go to each chamber. The major difference is date of effect with the house version becoming law 1 Sep 2011 and the senate version 1 Sep 2012.

Project Gunweasel

Hazmat gets some "supportive" responses that don't actually promise to do a damn thing...[Read]

Blow-Back's a Bitch

Elias Alias tackles "Project Gunwalker." [Read]

I linked to this from my GRE column the other day.  That was on a different site. Here it is on the Oath Keepers website, for those of you who did not read it the other day.

A Community Organizer

Police said a juvenile court liaison and member of the Iowa City Police Citizen's Review Board was the host of a party that turned violent...Police said the fight resulted in broken tables and a broken piano bench. There also were reports of one to three guns being displayed. [More]
How exciting! How come this never happens at any of the parties I go to...?

[Via Michael G]

Up the Organization

One can only imagine Greenwoods desperation, frustration and despair at the situation caused by firearm organisations complacency and acceptance of defeat. Of trying to curry favour for themselves and appease governments desire to "control" guns, which culminated in a handgun ban and even more restrictions on everything. Of organisations refusal to listen to reason and rushing headlong into defeat pulling firearm owners who trusted them into the abbess of darkest and total defeat.

Our organisations are no different and are following exactly the same pattern of defeat. They will not fight and dream up puerile, incredible excuses that can be compared to the lies and propaganda of GFSA and gun control. [More]
South Africa gives us a real world example of where trusting in appeasing, favor-currying organizations gets you.

An April 1 Court Ruling

In a 5-2 decision, the Ohio Supreme Court has recently affirmed that Cleveland's elected officials, at least those not under indictment and awaiting trial on multiple felony charges, are jackasses. [More]
The sickest part of this April Fool's joke is that there are enough stupid and parasitic constituents to elect such subversive buffoons, and not just in Cleveland.

Issa to Melson: You got served

This column also reported yesterday:

"Committee spokesman Seamus Kraft...advises that further developments to uncover the truth will be forthcoming."

This is the first of those developments. This is huge news. Chairman Issa is serious. [More]
Issa subpoenas ATF. This morning's second Gun Rights Examiner column is very good news indeed.

New York Times not following ‘Project Gunwalker’ because it’s not their ‘scoop’

"Besides the issues I mentioned to you before about how our reporters in Mexico and Arizona are pretty busy, I think another reason we haven't jumped on this is just the realities of journalism--we don't often follow big, original, exclusive investigative scoops by other organizations. It's just too difficult to replicate, for one. Anyway, the point is, it's not liberal bias..." [More]
This morning's first Gun Rights Examiner column notes if it's not bias, then it's gotta be something else...