Thursday, April 01, 2010

GOP Pledges Second Amendment "Litmus Test"

"If they don't support the Second Amendment, they're simply ineligible for funding or endorsements," Chairman Michael Steele told party activists. "It's past time we manned up to our responsibilities." [More]
Also see:
Holder Gun Discharge Injures Mexican President
NRA: Arm the Teachers!
Brady President Detained on Airport Gun Charge
Kennedy Dog Injured in Gun Mishap
BREAKING NEWS: Feinstein Arrested After Gun Mishap


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Damn it, David! I warned myself to be on the lookout for that, and I still fell for it, until I noticed the "Also see."

straightarrow said...

Ha! One up on you Kurt. I didn't fall for it.

I don't get many on you. You're just too smart for me most of the time.

W W Woodward said...

Good try, David.

Today is groundhog day? Right?


1894C said...

April fools...

Good ones. Thanks for the laughs.
