Friday, April 22, 2011

Offending Colin

"It offends me that people who have never faced a gunman in the confined space of a classroom would think that it makes sense to allow loaded guns on campus, and even through rights of way," Goddard said, after the guns on campus buildings portion of the bill was stripped. "Gov. Brewer apparently understood the dangers of allowing guns to be transported through school and college zones, and I applaud her for rejecting this legislation that needlessly put lives at risk. Given the tragedy of Tucson, it's heartening to see elected officials stand up to the gun lobby and wake up to what needs to be done to protect the public from gun violence." [More]
Let us work harder to offend this...this thing.



Lotta chairs there.

I believe that making an assessment of what is at hand as a matter of habit is an essential component of situational awareness.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Trigger Sports LIVE!

I've been off the lineup for the past couple weeks because of family health issues, but should be returning in the near future. In the mean time, here's James Towle's latest show summary:

  • NRA reports on legislation to prevent ownership of High-Capacity mags.
  • Goose hunters...don't miss one of the best hunts in the USA, 40-50 per day!
  • Patrick Kilpatrick picks up the banner of education to the stars and brings the 2nd amendment to Hollywood.
  • Two police officers murdered, Mark Walters explains
  • Plus, the history of the M-14.
All this and more, at - Your  #1 Network for Trigger Sports!
On your computer, 24/7, when YOU want to see it!
Event DVD's available from the store.

Tracking Revisited

Earlier in the month I speculated about the ATF, Project Gunrunner, and GPS tracking chips. My thoughts on the subject were spurred by comments made by Michael Bane in his Down Range Radio podcast. [More]
This is the first I've heard of this speculation--no source I've communicated with has hinted at this. My initial reaction was to wonder if what we're really talking about is eTrace, but concede this may be a valid development to explore. I'd suggest finding out more about such chips, including specs, suppliers, etc., and seeing if any RFPs/competitive bidding/contract award docs can be discovered.

AP gives incomplete account of Chicago police sentiments on concealed carry

The disconnect between the AP account and the observations of a boots-on-the-ground peace officer documents another example of the failure of “authorized journalists” to completely inform the public, and why citizen journalists and new media fulfill a critical role...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report provides more documentation of how the "mainstream media" can advance an agenda simply by not mentioning all the facts.

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This Day in History: April 22

A party of thirty Loyalists disguised as Indians attacked and captured a six-man guard post belonging to the SC 6th Regiment without firing a single shoot. The Loyalists then burned the guard buildings and fled the area. [More]