Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Say a Prayer for Mike and Family

UPDATE-4/28/9:20 am: Just spoke with Mike--he and family are OK, although power is out and there is no telling when it will be restored. He'll try to get to a library today to log on and post to his blog.


Looks like Tropical Storm Lanny is on its way to Sipsey Street.  I just got off the phone with Vanderboegh and they're getting ready to head down to the basement. He's telling me he heard they could get an EF5 with 200 mph winds, and the National Weather Service classifies the threat as "Severe-Dangerous Tornado Outbreak Ongoing." You can learn more here.

Here's the latest from The Weather Channel:

It's terrifying to go through these--I know--I've been in a building that was hit by one and had part of the roof torn off, and another one that missed a direct hit by less than a hundred feet.  Plus I've seen several others up close and personal. Probably about the worst feeling is being with your family and knowing that ultimately, the power to protect them is beyond you.  They're doing what they can and taking all prudent measures humanly possible.

If you're inclined to say a prayer, now might be a pretty good time. Not just for Mike, but for all good people in harm's way.

UPDATE (8:13 pm EST): Mike just called-- he says it passed them by, but area reports say the watch is in effect until 2:00 am.  As of right now, their power is out.

Room for Discussion

Room 343, to be exact, at 8:30 am tomorrow.

Oregon Firearms Federation has the details.

Here are the bills being discussed.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Farmer menaced with death threats by gang of travellers dials 999... and police turn up to confiscate her shotguns [More]
Well, as I've been chastised by a subject who approves of that state of affairs:
Liberty is not wielding a weapon that could inflict harm on another. Liberty is freedom from a society in which such instruments of death abound.
[Via cycjec]

We're the Only Ones Punchy Enough

I agree with Mama Liberty, who sent me the link to this video and said:
The sad part is the cop worshiping comments below.
Nobody ordered to dig their own grave ever made the excuse "They're just doing their job."

We're the Only Ones Exposed Enough

During his interview with Union Township police, McDonough said he had pulled his zipper down "in an attempt to determine who would advise him that his zipper was down," according to a court affidavit. [More]
Hmmm...sounds plausible.

That reminds me of a story I heard about a guy who told the emergency room doctor his robe accidentally slipped open while he was doing housework using the canister vacuum suction tool and...

We're the Only Ones Judgmental Enough

She said other officers explained to her that they have families too and they want to make it home alive each night. [More]
Those of us already in our homes with our families and trying to live our lives in peace would like to stay that way, too.  And we'd appreciate it if you had the judgment to get the damn address right before initiating an armed raid.

[Via William T]

Another Country Heard From

Seems a Brit [?] is quite upset with me. [Read]

He left his comment on a WoG post from a year ago, but it has to do with yesterday's GRE column, so I copied and pasted his complaint there for the benefit of those who wish to add comments of their own.

National news magazines ignore ‘Project Gunwalker’ story, embrace statist fluff

Perhaps limiting searches to those three terms is short-sighted, and a more refined search would yield exculpatory findings but it should be noted that all three national “news” magazines also fail to produce anything relevant for the search terms “Grassley” and “Issa.”

Why is that, do you think? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes there's no shortage of reporting on stories promoting those who rule--but if you're looking for any exposés on bad stewardship, well, just keep turning the pages and have a piece of royal wedding cake.