Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Grassley asks Holder to expedite answers to Gunwalker questions

"Historically, the Justice Department generally takes five to eight months to respond to QFRs,” he acknowledged. “However, because of my ongoing investigation into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), I would appreciate receiving responses to questions on this topic much sooner." [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner column presents a letter with some great follow-up questions. I'm particularly happy to see Sen. Grassley asking about walked guns turning up at crime scenes on both sides of the border.

Please share the link and spread the word.

Change of Venue

Western Rifle Shooters Association has loaded up the truck and moved to some fancy new digs with a ce-ment pond.

Take your shoes off.

Set a spell.

Update your bookmarks and blogroll.

Y'all come back now, hear?

Three Times is Enemy Action

I've been getting quite a few emails lately from people who have corresponded with me occasionally before, that share something else in common--no subject line, no explanation of what it is about, and a link to God-knows-where.

I'd chalk it up to spoofing/hijacking of email and not take it personally, except many of them also have the edresses of other RKBA activists in the "To" field.  Sure, it could just be coincidental, but at that point, it is not unreasonable to suspect direction and intent aimed at ideology.

Any emails fitting this description will not be opened.  I suggest all of you apply the same filter.

Constitution-Free Zones

The school officials are arguing "that the First Amendment does not apply to elementary school students" ... [More]
See, it's not like we're teaching them to be free individuals with unalienable rights, as opposed to inmates who will do what we say...

Lieberman calls for more power for ATF while abetting ‘Gunwalker’ stonewalling

Still, if Sen. Lieberman is so concerned about semi-automatic rifles wending their way from U.S. gun shops to Mexican cartels, perhaps someone ought to ask him why he’s not demanding full and open hearings into “Project Gunrunner” allegations, and insisting on getting to the bottom of ATF management stonewalling accusations—before insisting on giving them yet more power over the very area where their own employees are saying they can’t be trusted.

Oh, someone has?  And some time ago? [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner column  looks at the principle-devoid poltroon that is the senior senator from Connecticut.

Share the link?

This Day in History: May 18

The cries of the distressed, of the fatherless and the Widows, come to me from all quarters. [More]

"You'd Think It Would Be a Slam Dunk, But..."

Let the debates begin...

[Via Evan Nappen]

UPDATE: Zach in comments directs us to NRA's rebuttal.

[Note: This is one of the posts from May 12 that vanished with the Blogger crash. It looks like they are gradually restoring them to our unpublished list for reposting. I'm sorry, but any comments made before the crash have vanished.]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

They're terrified of girls. [Read]

[Note: This is one of the posts from May 12 that vanished with the Blogger crash. It looks like they are gradually restoring them to our unpublished list for reposting. I'm sorry, but any comments made before the crash have vanished.]

And Your Point Is?

This allows the individual to make his or her own eligibility determination...[More]
Yeah, how 'bout that?  How did you think it was supposed to work?

The fraud of the "pro-gun Democrat" continues.

Come to think of it, anybody see Baucus or Tester stepping up to the Gunwalker plate?

Don't expect them to, unless somebody stops with all the talking that gives him the illusion of being a media go-to guy leader on exposing the scandal and actually starts doing something...

My bad. I must have missed the memo where we decided it is about hunting.  Or as Wayne says when he takes the suit off, "Huntin'."

[Note: This is one of the posts from May 12 that vanished with the Blogger crash. It looks like they are gradually restoring them to our unpublished list for reposting. I'm sorry, but any comments made before the crash have vanished.]


I have added the text of the directive. This is going to take some time to analyze and mull over, and may help shape questions to be asked and provide a roadmap for documents to be requested.

To read the directive, go here and scroll down to the 5/18 update. And share the link...?