Friday, July 01, 2011

No Sharks in St. Petersburg!

"I always want to know my officers are representing this city in a very positive light," Foster said. [More]

Here's Foster having a word with his errant, truth-prone public servant:

Thumbs Down on S&W Lawsuit

The civil lawsuit claims Smith & Wesson negligently designed and inadequately warned consumers about the dangers of a large-frame hunting revolver. [More]
Huh--so you're not supposed to do this?
Todd held the pistol grip with his right hand and placed his left hand under the trigger guard of the revolver...
You know, just the other day, while clamping a rifle butt with my feet and gnawing on the muzzle while yanking back on the trigger with my thumbs I was saying to myself "I wish I had someone to sue..."

Closing the Barn Door

Feinstein: Prevent Foreign Felons From Obtaining Firearms [More]
Not "Prevent Foreign Felons From Obtaining Entry...?

How to Tell if You're Being Swindelled

A good rule of thumb--if he complains you're tarring him with a broad brush and then makes the accusation that if you oppose the Swindler in Chief it's because you're a racist...[Read]

Oh, and he's all for guns, too, except, with the typical regressive big "but"-- he can't help taking a swipe at "unlimited weapons acquisition, extended clips and other mechanisms for murder," and adds the insult that we need to police ourselves because the murderers evidently must come from our ranks, as opposed to, say, from the incubator of collectivist regressivism.

Pretty clumsy con job there, chief. Sorry, not buying your snake oil.

Here--you dropped your pea.

ABC15 Phoenix links walked guns to local crime

"Weapons linked to a questionable government strategy are turning up in crimes in Valley neighborhoods," Lori Jane Gliha of ABC15 Phoenix reports. [More] 
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes the type of reporting we should encourage. The video is included in the sidebar media player.

This Day in History: July 1

July 1, 1779 - Captain Richard Skinner was killed by a sniper, one of a small group of British and locals who came over from Staten Island and surprised Skinner and others who were holding a 'Public Safety Committee' meeting at the Crossroads Tavern, also called the Six Roads Tavern, about one mile south of Rahway between Rahway and Woodbridge, on what was then called King's Highway (now St. Georges Avenue). The site now faces the Penn. railroad. The group of about four British soldiers and four "refugees' succeeded in killing Skinner, the commanding officer of a troop of light horse. One other person was killed and thirteen taken as prisoners. [More]

Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

  • An anti-gun survey
  • Castle doctrine expands in PA
  • Ohio restaurant carry signed
  • Spreading the word 
  • Cover-up protection act uncovered
  • Thoughts on weapons
  • School shooting expert speaks out
  • A slumber party gone bad
  • Chad Baus on Advocacy Journalists
  • Authorized Cheeseheads
  • Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh

Join us at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."

Archives are here.  It looks like they're going to post by the week and replace the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date.

Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others.  We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message.  Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a  part of it.

Lineup subject to change without notice.