Thursday, September 29, 2011

We're the Only Ones Young at Heart Enough

The chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in South Florida has been arrested as part of a child pornography investigation. [More]

Oh, crap--we've got the wrong NAMBLA!

[Via Skip]

And Now a Word About the First National Bank of Kansas

Boycott. [Read]

Incidentally, Mark Muller--you desperately need lessons in safe gun handling and carrying. You're setting a terrible example for those who don't know any better.


Another laboratory for the free exchange of ideas demonstrates tolerance.  Not. [Read]

I can't say I agree with the sentiment of the poster that got all the regressives' knickers wadded. My preference would be to modify  it as follows:
If I ever kill you, you will never even know I was there until you wake up in Hell and they tell you.
CUM ULLA SELLA 'n all that...

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

The Key

...the key lies in creating stronger mechanisms of federal oversight... [More]
Well, that certainly tells me everything I need to know.  That and that the damn furriners are behind it.

[Via Mack H]

An "Arsenal"?

Looks more to me like what you'd bring along for a day at the range. [Read]

[Via JL]

The Collectivist Dialectic

Mike Vanderboegh reminds us that a smear job is merely a means to an end. [Read]

The guy really is a damn fine writer.

Chicks with Guns

Cool. And look where it's posted.  [Read]

I wonder if the antis are going to accuse them of owning guns because they have dinky wieners?

Latino media Gunwalker query shows need to bypass elites to ask tough questions

There is, however, a way for gun-owning rights advocates to bypass political and media gatekeepers and elicit a public response that will be impossible to duck without demonstrating for all to see that’s exactly what they are doing. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report suggests an end run play that we can call--if we want to.

This Day in History: September 29

Erkuries Beatty, Lieutenant, 4th PA, from the corn field and with no tent, "slept tolerably well rose early loaded two boats with corn which we had with us and set of down the river about 7 oClock arrived where the Camp was about 2 oClock where we found the Army had left in the morning, here we halted about 2 hours collected some horses and killed a number more likewise sent down a Boat which the Army had left. Marched of from there with a Determination to join the army to night, at the time we arrived at shamung it was Dark however we march'd on thro the Narrows a very Difficult road to pass and arrived at the main Army about 12 oClock at Night which was encamped 3 Mile below shamong" [More]