Monday, November 07, 2011

Am I Missing Something?

Am I reading this right?  Support a candidate who won't disclose where she stands on RKBA? [Read]


I have to be totally missing the point here, because the only thing I'm getting from this is that freedom is a "social issue," and if Caren Merrick commits to being pro-gun, the antis will use it against her to scare voters.  So gun owners need to volunteer to help her campaign.

That can't be right.  Can it?


I'll be damned if I can see it... [Read]

I wish people would focus on real subliminal images...

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Push the envelope...

Push the envelope...

Push the envelope... [Watch]
OK, time for a new one:
Botched gun sting...

Botched gun sting...

Botched gun sting...[Read]

Brainwashing the masses: Repeat it often enough and it becomes the truth!

First Emerged WHEN...?

When word of the tactic first emerged in February... [More]
Oh, I see. I guess this is just a figment of Mike's and my imaginations...

But then, who are we to argue with Evan Perez, "authorized journalist"...

Dear Amy

Yep, you have a right to be a stupid cud-chewer.  [Read]

Ol' Amy Dickinson sure showed us her one-sided agenda-driven dishonesty in researching the advice she dispenses though...maybe it will get somebody killed and she can blame the gun.

I do wonder how the Bradys square "a gun in the home is four times more likely to kill a loved one" with Sarah buying Scott a "sniper rifle"...


Thank you for the kind words.  But me...? An "Authorized Journalist"...? [Read]

[Via Concerned Citizen]

How About "Don't Hamstring the Truth-Seekers" Instead?

The "dedicated ATF agents" were retaliated against.  "The focus should be" on investigating and prosecuting crimes committed by "law enforcement officials" and finding how high up culpability goes.  [Read]

That Shurtleff and Goddard  aren't calling for that tells you everything you need to know about these fascist lying sacks.

100% NRA

Join us on tips on how to increase and develop your club membership, how to retain existing members, creating value in your club membership,  generating additional revenue for your club by becoming 100% NRA, becoming an NRA Recruiter, and much more! [More]
Just understand that once you put yourself under their banner, they will tell you what you can and cannot publicly espouse.  I've seen it happen.

Go ahead and take the online course--I don't know if it will be an infomercial to try and talk you into surrendering control or not, but it may have some useful pointers.  Just make sure if your club is contemplating signing up that they understand any benefits will have a cost attached--in terms of loss of autonomy.

A better solution: Invite representatives from NRA and other gun groups to make their pitches on your terms and then adopt what works for you.  But never give up your independence, and insist that you call the shots, not some talking point-dispensing Fairfax circuit rider.

‘Castaway’ inmate charges FL surveillance team let guns escape

His conclusion is that guns were allowed to escape... [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report finds a gap in surveillance you could drive a truck through--and according to this firsthand account, that's just what happened.

This Day in History: November 7

The officers and privates composing the rifle corps under the command of Major Parr, are all to join their respective regiments. The Major will see that all the rifles and their proper bullet moulds &c., are collected and numbered to prevent their being mixed or seperated, and have them then delivered to the Commissary of Military Stores and take his receipt for the same. The Commissary is to cause the rifles &c. to be carefully boxed up and is not to deliver any of them without an order from the Commander in Chief. Muskets are to be drawn for the men in lieu of the rifles. The General cannot dissolve this corps without offering his particular thanks to the officers and soldiers remaining in it for their long, faithful and important services. [More]