Friday, November 25, 2011


Bob Owens posts on a theory I've heard before, that Fast and Furious was less about "gun control" and more about playing sides with the cartels as part of a greater strategy. [Read]

It's not that I'm hostile to that line of thought--I'm interested in the truth. It's just--as I have told proponents of it--that none of my sources have offered this explanation, so I can't endorse it until I get something more directly credible than a defendant offering a desperate defense.

I guess I'll need to see what documents result from this to test against the hypothesis.

But to be clear: the initial "padding statistics" charge on Gunwalker came not from any "right wing bloggers."  It was first made on CleanUpATF by one of the posters whom ATF's Chief Counsel's Office and Ken Melson had discussed applying standards of conduct disciplinary action against. Make sure you click on the sidebar graphic there to see the emails for yourself.

Bottom line: If a definitive US government/cartel cooperative effort is established, it would add a new dimension to--but not negate--the "more gun control" theory.

Vanderboegh: What Newsweek and the FBI don’t want you to know about PATCON

Vanderboegh's latest exclusive includes “items expunged from the story,” and his conclusion is nothing less than knock-your-wind-out startling... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column points to an exclusive report that is literally explosive.  Hugely so.

An Ounce of Prevention

Harry Reid, the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, could well grant him his wish, by preventing the subject from coming to a vote. [More]
Ignore the snotty Brit trying to keep his Rapex from popping out for a moment and consider this one potentially truthful statement.

Any takers for that bet?


Toledo Blade: Robber Killed by Store Clerk While Scooping Up Cash Is 'Victim' [More]
Damn you vigilantes!

The Blade, of course, is one of the more notorious citizen disarmament advocacy rags, fighting freedom every step of the way and leading in the demand to publicly "out" concealed carriers.

One can only hope their editor and publisher have the happy occasion to personally interact with a "victim" some day.  I'm sure he'll be appreciative of their tolerance, understanding and leadership in demanding social justice.  Or at least he'll appreciate it more than he would an encounter with someone who refuses to be a victim.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones with Ties that Bind Enough

5-Year-Old Handcuffed, Charged With Battery On Officer
Boy Cuffed With Zip Ties On Hands, Feet [More]
Protecting and serving, "Only Ones"-style...What a typical statist thug solution.

Hey, he wanted to get home at the end of his shift.

Everybody who thinks it's a good idea to call the cops in on something like this, raise your right hand. No, keep your elbow straight. Just like every one of those "Only One" pole-smoking comment posters who side with "Officer Friendly" and think the little brat got what was coming to him. Just watch how outraged they'll be when it's their turn in the barrel.

Meanwhile, up the kid's meds. And when he goes all Harris and Klebold on us a decade or so from now, demand more "gun control."

[Via several of you]