Rapex - dubbed the 'rape trap' - is a product worn internally by women. The hollow inside is lined with rows of razor-sharp hooks, which are designed to latch on to a rapist's penis during penetration. They can only be removed by a doctor. [More]Well this is going to get someone killed. I wonder if they indemnify against a violent revenge reaction?
Can you imagine the outrage: You can't defend yourself, but we expect you to self-violate so others can't. Oh, and have fun feeling that intrusion and admission of subjugation inside you all day, and never mind the small probability of toxic shock--that is, assuming you're in a place where frequent cleaning isn't an issue.
Good grief.
I've addressed the evil absurdity of the South African rape crisis here, along with the total dismissal to consider armed self defense--the only thing we know works, as an option. All I can add to this latest development is "What works for Planet Gelgamek isn't necessarily what's going to work for the rest of us here on Earth."
[Via Zachary G]

UPDATE 2: KABA Newslinks has this story too, and "Bleeder" has a very perceptive comment:
Not sure I would want some sub saharan dude bleeding all over my vaginal cavity...there's a good bet his blood will transmit any number of diseases that will result in a slower death. A well placed shot assists in avoiding bodily fluid contact.Figure: if one in five South African adults are HIV infected, we can assume the odds will be even higher for someone engaged in violent criminal activity ( a high risk subculture in itself) like rape, where contact is generally "unprotected" (in more ways than one).
OMG, this is SO sick! I'm nauseated just looking at this!
David, seriously... I don't think I've had quite such a visceral reaction in recent years. It makes me want to pound someone into the ground!
And yes, I stole the story from you, and I cursed a lot.
Oh shoot, Nicki--I'd better get back in touch with hubby and tell him that's not such a good idea for a Valentine's Day gift for you after all...
It does strike me this is a sexist product--we need one for anti-gun males, RearGuard or some such...
What do you want to bet if we made a batch we'd get some takers...?
And while we're at it, how about The Throatinator?
Don't laugh. I actually thought about adding that to my blog entry, but I couldn't get past the oog factor!
Well, let's see.
Does raise the term "entrapment" to a whole other level.
A rapist in its clutches will most likely be driven into a rage such as to do serious bodily harm to his victim in addition to the initial attack.
If this becomes common or even heavily rumored to exist rapists will start checking first, if discovered see above for reaction.
I know of a small but militant subculture of radical feminists who would not be above outfitting themselves and deliberately encouraging attacks in a misguided attempt at "getting even".
I could go on, but words fail me.
Wearing a pistol on your hip would definitely be more comfortable than having that medieval device inside you all day. Unbelieveable.
It's official! we have re-entered the dark ages.
So, lemme get this straight: you insert a device with razor blades inside your feminine parts and then wait to get raped. When the monster (who may or may not be infected with an STD) inserts his part into you, the device cuts him - and now he's bleeding inside you?!?!?
Words fail me...
1894C said...
It's official! we have re-entered the dark ages.
At least chastity belts didn't require to wearer to insert fish hooks in her nether regions. My hypothesis looks more like a principle as Western Civilization slowly rots. When we attempt to remove a technology or idea from society, civilization will revert to the state that preceded the discovery.
Also: I've been speculating as to how the device is put to use. It's obviously easily spotted and removed by a rapist. Perhaps it helps the victim better deal with rape by subjecting her to a similar but lesser discomfort for hours on end?
Seriously, this just looks like a case of "newbie inventor-itis," somebody trying to become the next Ron Popeil. The problem here is that the inventor failed to plan for the dozen different reasons the market would come up with and decide this was an unacceptable solution. Frankly, given the darkness of both the subject and the proposed response, this device looks like something that might have been invented by Wallace and Gromit's evil twins.
"...somebody trying to become the next Ron Popeil..."
Well, it does slice and dice...
Set it and forget it???
But if we could just convince Sandra Fluke that this is her free government-provided birth control, think how much better off this country would REALLY be. In SO MANY ways...
"somebody trying to become the next Ron Popeil”
Of course, how could I have missed it? I dub thee, “Socket Fisherman!"
Here's a cautionary tale a U.S. Navy sailor told me: a sailor had sex with a prostitute in Hong Kong during shore leave in 1965 & didn't pay. When he came back for more she slipped one of these type made with razor blades & cut him very badly. Upon his shipmates hearing about it the ship nearly emptied out & the sailors tore the red light district apart.
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