Tuesday, December 13, 2011

An Ounce of Prevention

Rachel Madcow knows the truth.  She understands it.  She just can't bring herself to override her collectivist predisposition and apply it. [Watch]

One gets the feeling her concerns are solely for those who might be "profiled" for jihadist tendencies, and do not extend to those of us who might sport the wrong bumper sticker expressing more "homegrown" sentiments.

“These Guns Are Used to Kill People”

So are yours, a$$****. [Read]
“This has nothing to do with the Second Amendment,” said the mayor.


You evil f***ing liar.


Not just "Authorized Journalists"--Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise "Authorized Journalists"!

Sipsey Street Irregular

At least the formatting is. [Read]

Mike has been having the dickens of a time with the Blogger template--the "new" look is not intended to be permanent.  The problem started with the inability to insert paragraph breaks and it looks like when he started pulling loose threads the whole damn fabric unraveled.

I've tried to help him but it's beyond my clumsy capabilities. His entire publishing tool and dashboard looks completely different from mine.

Be patient. 

Anybody know any trustworthy volunteers who could advise him?

We're the Only Ones Up a Pole Enough

Just think how much worse it could have been had he not been a highly trained professional...[Read]

Casper Turns Unfriendly

“I would like to see a policy in that if someone shows up with a weapon, and they want to come down and visit with us, we should have one of our armed police officers accompany them down, and that would probably slow ‘er down more than anything.” [More]
Is there some influx of migrant Californian nest-foulers happening there or what?

This Day in History: December 13

...[December 13] Day Light [?] the army had to be Pad’d. [paraded] -- befor then [?] marched beyond Gulfe Mills about one mile from the ford -- went into the woods & built us fires -- Refreshed ourselves with what we had with us & Drew half a gill of whiskey Pr. Man -- it Cleared off this Morning & was Pleasant for Decemr. -- Last Night our Horse took 11 Hesians & brought them here to this Place -- we heard that the Enemy Plun[dere]d. a House of Every thing they Could find at the mills & that they took Prisoners 3 horse men Last Night belonging to the Continental Army here -- This is Saturday the 13th of Decemr. in the morning etc. -- we tarried here all Day & the Night falowing we sleept in huts made with Bushes & Leaves -- here we Drew more Provisions & Cooked it [More]