Wednesday, December 21, 2011

One Year Ago

A year ago today, the founder of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Aaron Zelman, passed away. [More]
Has it been that long?

I was feeling pretty good this evening and then saw this item and remembered. What a unique patriot. He left us much too soon.

Help those carrying on his legacy continue the work.

When Bowling Balls are Outlawed...

And it was one of those deadly "assault bowling balls," with no legitimate sporting purpose... [More]

Now Serving


"No confidence," fine. But careful with that  "he should quit" stuff, fellas.

Just because you're a congressman doesn't mean you've thought things through. Some of you are just getting into this and may not know as much about things as you think you do. 

And some of us aren't interested in playing musical chairs to your political advantage--we want justice.

We're the Only Ones Young at Heart Enough

Former Grainger Co. Deputy sentenced for sex with 16 & 13 year-old girls [More]
Again with the eternal question...

‘Bloggers’ continue to beat media at their own game on ‘Gunwalker’

So damn right I’m blowing a horn, and with all my might. Because as we’ve just seen (again) a few days ago, the major players are still not only ignoring the truth about this story, they are actively abetting the lie—even introducing hate into the mix is not beneath them. And Mike and I have known throughout that we don’t have time to be polite or quiet or patient, because people’s lives and careers have quite literally been on the line throughout this unfolding story. If it was yours, or a loved one’s, would you want any less of us? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at some pot banging, and explains why it's critically important for you to help us make all that racket.

Ready for War

Take a look at the size of your local PD and subtract administrators, bureaucrats and clerks. Now look at real-world SHTF experience--and that was minor compared to what the wind-sowers can expect to reap if they get stupid.

Plus we know where all their facilities are., no sense disclosing any tactics here.

Nice of them to bring the tools so close to where those who really are ready will need them if anyone who thinks that gear is the final word truly wants to start a war. [Read]

[Via Ron W]


Yeah, the problem with New York City is they don't have enough citizen disarmament laws in place. [Read]

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Useful Idiots Enough

"Only Ones"--they're using you. [Read]

But then, so are they. And so are they. And so are they.

Interesting company the domestic enemies keep...

[Via Jess]

Too Many Victims of Candle Violence: Shoot a Gun on Jan. 8

Dennis Henigan calls for a gathering of ungulates.  How they work the matches with hooves is beyond me, but this entire pathetic exercise shows what his movement (pun intended) is reduced to. [Read]

Still, why he would encourage the untrained to cavalierly handle a source of death on a nationwide basis--one that kills many more people than nuclear power!!!--just to score political points is unconscionable.  Think of the children!

And we haven't even looked into the carbon footprint!  Which, my guess is, won't be all that big.

If one of our national organizations used its clout to encourage members to go to the range on Jan. 8,  do you think we'd dwarf whatever cud-chewer turnout the antis manage to herd into their Community Moo-ins?

Feeding the Trolls

Bruce Krafft gives us the best way for those intent on engaging with them I've yet read. He also shows us what  a$$holes live under the bridge. [Read]

I'm not in the business of changing hearts and minds of the uninitiated--that's the other end of the pool. I'm in the business of supporting ornery radicals like me.  But if you're in a forum where  it looks like you might be able to persuade a bystander and make a proven enemy look like the liar that he is, Bruce gives us some great arguments to use that you'd have to be a d!ckless fanatic to disagree with.