Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Emboldened by a new Republican majority in Richmond, some 200 people rallied on Capitol Square Monday to push gun-friendly legislation, hours before a crowd occupied the same space to commemorate victims of gun violence. [More]
200? Hell, I found 1,250 firearms-related businesses alone in VA. Why the hell weren't there 200,000?

I remember we got about 200 gun owners to show up at a demonstration in LA--the weekend after 40,000 of them managed to drag themselves to the big area gun show back when it was still allowed at the LA County Fairgrounds.  Most didn't lift a finger to stop its expulsion from happening, either.

Pathetic, the number of do-nothing welfare parasites in "our" ranks. Yeah, let someone else do it.  Profiles in Apathy, that is, the gungrabbers' best friends, strike again.

On the plus side, it looks like the cud-chewers did a lot worse.And here's a wonderful illustration of how they operate:
“We think that the laws on the books in Virginia are reasonable,” [Lori Haas] said.
Followed immediately by:
Sen. A. Donald McEachin, Henrico Democrat, said at the afternoon vigil that he planned to introduce legislation calling for universal background checks for gun purchases.
Gee, they're so "reasonable," we must have more!

Not that the frickin' Republicans will do anything beyond the bare minimum needed to exploit gun owner desperation...

And they can get away with it because, as we observed, only 200 showed up.

[Via Drew R]


  1. There's that word again. "Reasonable". Why has that come to mean complete citizen disarmament? It seems like every gun hater out there has that word in their vocabulary. I have a word in my vocabulary for them, but because we are in polite company I won't use it.

  2. Jason M. Rogers1/17/2012 8:45 PM

    Mr. Codrea, My wife and I are former members of the VCDL. We would have renewed our membership for this year but I have ben unemployed since 4/1/2011. We intended to go but could not afford a babysitter for our daughters, 3, and 6. We also could not affor gas from Fairfax to Richmond and back. If we could have afforded the gas we would not have wanted to take our girls out into the cold for several hours.

    Your words still shame me. I wish I could do more. I sometimes wonder if part of the plan of the left is not to render persons who would contribute too broke to do so.

    Very respectfully, Jason M. Rogers

  3. I didn't write this to try and shame anyone doing what he can with the cards he's holding.

  4. I was there yesterday, and I'd say it was about twice that reported number. It was a good day to stand for freedom.


  5. David,

    I'm not a member, but am on their mailing list. I've been going to Lobby Day for years. I remember when the VCDL was showing up with 25 members.

    Last year we had over 300. This year was lower...cold weather keeps people home.

    Now, let me explain this. The rally is really entertainment for US. Our effectiveness comes from our direct involvement with the state, county and city governments. We swarm the delegates and senators during lobby day. We hand out GUNS SAVES LIVES stickers by the hundreds, sometimes thousands. Last year they handed out over 2000 stickers. And they are worn throughout the building. The politicians see nothing but orange stickers and don't know who our actual members are.

    Yes, there are a huge number of gun owners in Virginia. The email membership has grown by thousands. The VCDL is directly responsible for holding cities and counties accountable to the state and getting rid of their gun control.

    Our support can get people elected. George Allen's campaign insulted gun owners and the VCDL during the last campaign. He lost by a few thousand votes. At that time we had over 3000 members on the email list. He did not get the support of the VCDL.

    And our Republican politicians, heck even some Democrats have been supportive. Our agenda has been advanced every year.

    Could we get more gun owners? Sure. As could ALL gun-rights groups. But most Americans aren't political activists. While more is better, we've been pretty successful. I understand your frustration. I have it too. Not only in gun owners, but in all Americans that don't involve themselves in politics.

    Heck, even the bureaucrats wanted our stickers to bring home after Lobby day. And my 11 year old daughter brought in a few gun related items into her PUBLIC school...flyers and stickers, to show her social studies teacher who gave her extra credit for going.


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