Friday, January 20, 2012

How to Keep the Elderly Safe

Disarm them! For their own good!!  Before the kill themselves!!! [Read]
[T]he evidence suggests that having more older people with guns may not be a benefit to society, and public-health policies must take action to promote the health of elderly persons and the safety of their caregivers.”
Socialis...uh...sociologists Susan B. Sorenson and Brian Mertens said so, I believe it, that settles it.

That way, this can happen. And this. And this. And...

Say, eggheads: Have you seen this?  Although I would argue the headline should add the  words "gun free" before "Japan."

Or this? Would you agree "that having more 'Only Ones' with guns may not be a benefit to society"...?

I have had occasion to spend much time in a memory unit at an elder care facility of late. Forgive me if I observe that continuation of broken lives under those conditions is not necessarily the kindest of options, and results in no small amount of anguish and troubled prayer.


  1. Never heard of a "nursing home" that allowed residents to keep a gun.

    The socialists in that article have, of course, no idea that suicide - while sad and often preventable - is NONE OF THEIR DAMNED BUSINESS.

    It is not the business of "the public" at all. It is personal and private, unless the person involved makes it otherwise. Many do ask for help, and help should be given to them - personally and privately.

    And that, of course, remains true no matter what tool the person decides to use, or how available those tools might be.

    Heck... next they'll be telling us what we can eat. OH wait! They already do.

  2. Chris Mallory1/20/2012 12:17 PM

    Now, didn't you see The Sopranos where Uncle Junior shot Tony in a fit of old person delirium? It was on TV, so it must be a daily occurrence in the real world.

  3. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)1/20/2012 1:14 PM

    That "firearm = suicide" is an old canard. These two must know that the suicidal will find a way if firearms aren't available, so they are using a false premise to further their naked hatred for guns. As was mentioned, Japan demonstrates this with a suicide rate consistently twice as high as ours, yet few if any are committed with guns. (Seriously? Homemade poison gas? Gruesome, and dangerous to others.)

    BTW, if Japan is ninth in the world for a suicide rate, what nation is number one, and how can it last?


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