Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Left Out Again

Hey, I made fun of you losers, too.  Can't I get a break? [Read]

I guess--in their haste to "out" bloggers who prefer using a screen name that they'd rather forget one of their own getting caught being a cowardly troll...that and not call attention to their out-of-control control spokesman...

Still, I am glad to see they linked to Kurt's piece. I wonder if they realize that every time they do, not only does an angel get its wings, but Kurt gets page view remuneration...?

Why not make that page of Kurt's go viral--not just to give the guy a well-deserved tip, but also to let CSGV know that it's all because of them...?


  1. And of course the squeamish little sheeple do not allow comments, knowing full well that their rants can't stand up to honest scrutiny and debate.

  2. I'm a little upset about it too. I hammered their hashtag all day, I counterprotested the local vigil, and got interviewed on TV and in the major Raleigh newspaper.

    Where's my link-hate?

  3. To Be Fair did you see Soldier of Fortune and Alan Gotlieb give ME a glowing speech and award in Pittsburgh?

    Plus if these guys had any sense they wouldn't be scrambling to keep the lights on and interns holding signs.

    And they certainly could pick better than this cyber stalker as their Comm Director.

    Keep up the good work, David!


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