Thursday, January 12, 2012


This one's from the "pro-gun" side?
There are better ways to prevent illegal interstate firearm trafficking. One method is BATF's Multiple Purchase Reporting Forms.
Jeez, why do we even need to hear from this lying thug?
Almost 19 years later, Virginia's one-handgun-a-month purchase law continues to serve as a balanced solution to help stem the flow of illegally purchased handguns from Virginia to other states. The genesis of the law was the result of a large number of handguns that were purchased in Virginia being used in the commission of crimes in New York City and other urban centers on the East Coast.
Right. Do it for Bloomberg. There's a reason for restrictions on me.

But the thing is, it doesn't do a damn thing.  Look at ATF's own trace summaries for VA to NY:
2006: 530/ATC: 12.00
2007: 482/ATC: 12.40
2008: 502/ATC: 13.03
2009: 443/ATC: 12.77
2010: 415/ATC: 13.65
Nothing meaningful can be really gleaned from any variables here, and keep in mind, the average "time to crime" for New York during these reporting periods is measured above in years.

Kind'a makes you wonder what this other "pro-gun" moron was thinking when he supported a government mandated purchase limitation infringement, but then again, do you really care why someone attacks you as much as what you need to do to make him stop?

1 comment:

  1. Good points and sometimes i wonder if some of our "pro-gun" folks aren't doing more harm than good...


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