Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA Blackout

Huh. The website giving everyone the html code to go on strike by blacking out their website isn't blacked out itself. [Read]

Thanks, no. I don't see how me standing down will hurt the oppressors. Besides, sometimes, the most effective attacks are conducted when it's dark...

1 comment:

  1. ...but since everyone is merely using javascript to do the "blackout," it's not an actual denial of service for these power users themselves.

    like me, they run firefox (or chrome) with noscript (or similar) installed.

    therefore, like me, they can temporarily deny their browser's ability to run javascript on these websites. most content is still accessible. especially wikipedia, which is otherwise script-free content.

    so it's rabble-rousing for the masses, and business as usual for the elite. now where have i heard people complaining about that before?


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