Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Spending Political Capital the "Pragmatic" Way

Let me get this straight: Grading a confirmation vote for Sotomayor was "burning" it, but urging everyone to spend time and money nationally patronizing Starbucks to counter a boycott proposed by a publicity-seeking nobody is something we should all rally behind?


  1. i resent that it is assumed i am a starbucks patron in the first place.

    its sort of like michael moore asking me to boycott an expensive steakhouse.

    haven't they ever been to the grocery store? yes, virginia, there is a coffee aisle.

  2. No link here. Who is proposing to boycott whom, and why this time?

    And no, I don't go to Starbucks. Wouldn't if there was one next door... let alone 90 miles away. I like GOOD coffee myself.

  3. That's intentional, MML--neither proponent deserves traffic. A nobody anti-gunner wants to boycott Starbucks on Valentine's Day because they go along with whatever the state law is in terms of guns on their premises--it the state allows it, they don't put up No Guns signs. But they are apolitical when it comes to the issue--they just want to sell coffee and not alienate customers by taking sides. Some on "our side" are proposing a counter-protest urging gun owners to patronize Starbucks on that day. I'm not necessarily against that idea, but just find it curious that these are the same people who said politicians having their NRA grades affected by approving Sotomayor was a waste of political capital, and I find such skewed priorities in terms of what they think we should spend our activism time and money resources on ridiculous.


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