Friday, February 17, 2012

I May Not Agree with What You Have to Say... I'll do my utmost to silence you. [Read]

The War on Freedom continues.

1 comment:

  1. Markie Marxist sez: "Of course, the First Amendment, unlike the Second, which isn't useful to us commies at all, is of the utmost importance. However, all that free speech stuff only pertains to speech that advances our Marxist agenda. Any other speech is only kind of, sort of okay, but any speech that outright opposes us is right out. That Pat Buchanan guy is lucky that we don't have all the re-education camps built yet! And buses. We're going to need a lot of buses to get all those right-wingers to the camps. Oh, we pretty much already have lots of buses, don't we? The school kids will just have to walk to school for a while. And people are afraid of black helicopters, while it's those nice yellow buses that they should really be worried about! Ha! Ha! All your Buchanan are belong to us! We just haven't put him on the yellow bus yet. Although, for a VIP like that Buchanan guy, we just might go to the expense and trouble of using one of our black helicopters."


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