Friday, February 03, 2012

Reality Check

Not if the NRA makes a confirmation vote an automatic "F"--like they didn't do, hell, they didn't even score it, when he was confirmed as AG.

I'm still waiting to see if betrayal will have any impact on all those "pro gun Democrats" who gave Sotomayor and Kagan the thumbs up. Who wants to bet we won't even see a one-letter grade penalty?


  1. Hey, Cam. Get out there and work twice as hard for gun grabbing venture socialist Romney to make up for each of us who stay home.

    5 of 6 Romney appointments were liberal Democrats. The rest were liberal Republicans.

    If Cam and his NRA crowd gave a crap about supreme court appointments they would've blocked Sotomayor and Kagan. Instead they let Lindsey, Queen of Carolina give them a lick job.

  2. Better hustle Cam, crack open your checkbook too! Romney never nominated conservatives before, so there's no reason to expect he'll nominate conservatives now. I may *vote* "for" him, but there's no way I'll donate and volunteer for a RINO.

    Your "Justice Holder" scare is pathetic. In light of the Gunwalker scandal, Holder would never be nominated, let alone confirmed. Is being a moron a key criteria on the NRA job application, or do you actually think NRA members are that stupid and gullible? You know the real risk lies in:

    a) the NRA rolling over for new extremists nominated by Obama (as you did for Holder, Kagan & Sotomayor). Obama might win.

    b) since you rolled over for Obama's extremists, we know you will roll over for "moderates" and closet liberals nominated by Romney (another Suter et ilk).

    I can think of hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people who won't lift a finger for a gun grabbing venture socialist like Romney, so you better plan on volunteering and donating several million times as much for him as you were going to.

    If Romney loses because you didn't work a million times as hard and donate a million times as much to make up for us shut ins, then you will have only yourself to blame.

    You can probably get NRA membership to vote "for" Romney, but do you really think you can get them excited about volunteering and donating to him? You better become a lot more persuasive in the near future than you are now.


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