Wednesday, February 15, 2012

She Did It! She Missed the Barn.

Is there something missing from this recap of the Valentine's Day Starbucks boycott? You know, like the counter-"buycott" that dwarfed the pathetic efforts of the antis by an order of magnitude...? [Read]

I haven't changed my belief that the time and money spent on this could have been better employed elsewhere, but leave it to ABC4 "Authorized Journalist" Cristina Rendon to miss the real story altogether.

It reminds me of nothing so much as that line from Cat Ballou. Maybe Cristina had the typhoid real bad.


  1. "We all want to see crime go down," Tobias said.

    haha. you sure do. lots of 'em.

  2. Starbucks allowing guns to be carried in thousands of their stores significantly reduces everyone’s risk of being a victim of gun violence, because the presence of armed patrons deters criminals. Leftists hate that, because they want their Marxist/warrior/hero/criminals to succeed against capitalist America.


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