Monday, February 13, 2012

We're the Only Ones "Only One" Enough

If additional people are armed, law enforcement will be delayed from reaching the active shooter and possibly target armed but innocent students.

In addition, having armed but untrained students and visitors who are unaccustomed to being in life-and-death situations may well result in those individuals shooting at one another rather than the active shooter or accidentally injuring or killing bystanders. [More]
Meaning these three oath-breaking badged stooges oppose your being armed anywhere, because the same "logic" would have to apply.


  1. Police chiefs only say what their bosses want them to say - it's a political job. They wear uniforms, but they're just shills for the guy who wears a suit. They might as well be hand puppets.

  2. Because after all concealed carry in public in the 49 states that now allow it has caused so much violence, crime, and interference with law enforcement that we cannot allow it to encroach on the pristine lawns of academia now can we? Oh, wait, that never happens in spite of all their dire predictions. But just maybe it would be different this time, so better to be safe that give citizens such terrible rights as the means and ability to defend themselves.

  3. I never understood why the majority of police chiefs adopt the liberal stance on gun control. Well, in some ways I do. Most of them are simply administrators with very little actual street experience who were indoctrinated at what are laughably called institutions of higher education.

    I spent my career in a non-union state, but there were organizations one could join to provide limited legal assistance should the need arise. Of the two, I chose to join the PBA because they actually polled their members on the issue of gun control many years ago. At the completion of the poll the organization adopted an anti-gun control stance as per the membership. The FOP, on the other hand, simply fell in line with the IACP and advocated for gun control. That's why they never got any of my money.

    Unfortunately, all officers aren't so Constitutionally aware or as principled.


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