Monday, February 20, 2012

We're the Only Ones Trained Enough

The training director for the Wisconsin Department of Justice is recovering from an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound to the hand. [More]
Well, hell, if that can happen to a trained professional, we'd best just keep those dangerous instruments away from us mere amateurs...

[Via Sean Y]


  1. Many years ago my department transitioned from the S&w 5906 9mm to the Glock 21. I initially argued against it and upset the administration.

    My argument was - most police officers really have no experience with firearms. They put more emphasis on hiring mommy coddled college graduates, considering them better candidates than folks with life experience or military experience. This has resulted in an overall negative for the profession. Moving from the 5906, which won't fire when the mag is removed, to the Glock 21, which would fire that round in the chamber would probably result in officers shooting themselves or family members when cleaning their firearm. Fortunately, it never happened at my department. We did have one shot by an officer from another department who failed to eject the chambered round and pulled the trigger. Through and through to the chest, left to right. He's lucky to be alive.

  2. Another recruit for the Paige academy!


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