Friday, March 23, 2012

Fast Pass

Look what came in the mail yesterday:
This just ain't right. What's this "elder" crap? True story: I took the wife to a reunion concert by a band I used to listen to in college. The lead singer came out with a cane.

The whole business of "senior discounts" should not sit well with those paying higher prices to subsidize them--those offering them are being generous with other people's money.


  1. That depends... When the source is government and stolen tax money, you are right. When private business offers discounts - however and to whomever they wish - it's a whole different ballgame.

    Then it's simply advertising, like any coupon or "sale."

  2. I look at it as no different than "Ladies Night" or any other sales promotion. Of course I'm 66, so may have a vested interest in such deals.

  3. When I took over a business several years ago I stopped giving "age discounts" and instead gave discounts for people who were open-carrying or wearing knives. When the "seniors" complained I told them they were just as able to get the discount as anyone else.

    Oh, and I still gave my unadvertised and secret "cute girl discount" regardless.

  4. My mom is really bad in this case. She DEMANDS senior discounts for EVERYTHING and gets herself all worked up if they don't have it. This is especially true for state or government stuff. Private buisnesses, fine. It's your money but sometimes it's not alright.

    I'm going to get off topic here. Yy mom is FAR left socialist, born and raised in chicago by chicago lawyers. She was raised to expect this of other people. Looking back it's a goddamn miracle I turned out the polar opposite of her. And she almost views me as less of a human because of it. I say almost because I'm her son. She views anyone who is either conservative or republcian as less a human than when blacks only countedas 2/3 a person by law. She is also extremely sexist (but won't admit it) and thinks all republican males should be castrated and women have their babies taken from them.


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