Monday, March 05, 2012

When Leftists Collide

Open Carry is instead a political statement in the best tradition of John Wilkes Booth, Timothy McVeigh, Sharron Angle and Ted Nugent. [More]

That, ladies and gentlemen, is comedy gold.

Careful Josh, you magnificent loon--and I use that adjective in all sincerity, because you're just so goddamn nuts you may as well be our man in the gun ban camp, the way you siphon off attention and resources from more effective adversaries.  But the thing is, if you really want voting to be as complicated as buying a gun, you're going to need to close the "loophole" that allows many to do so without identification and background checks--you racist.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful David, or you may end up losing sponsors like Limbaugh.

    How would like to end up apologizing to Josh?

    Loon. Some may be offended. Not me. Not Canadians, I presume, but some.


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