Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Another Roadside Attraction

I saw a news item about troubles at the San Onofre nuclear plant in Southern California and it brought back memories of all the times we've driven past it when we lived out there.

The first time elder feral son Uday noticed it and asked what it was, he must have been three or four at the time, I just went with the first thing that popped into my head and told him it was the Dolly Parton Museum.  He accepted that answer without further question.

We drove by it for years afterward, and each time we passed it, he and younger feral brother Qusay would call out "Look Daddy! The Dolly Parton Museum!"


  1. "Everywhere I look, something reminds me of her." :-)


    You are SOOOOOOOO bad.

    Reminds me of a guy I worked with in USAF at McConnell AFB, Wichita, Ks back in the early 70s. This guy and his wife called their sons by their full first names so the eldest was "Richard", not "Richie" or "Ricky" or suchlike. One day when they were in Kansas City, they drove by Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base (long since closed). Anyhow, Dad popped up with "Look! There's Richards-Gebaur!" The mom chimed in with, "Yes! That's Richards-Gebaur!" Then the kid chimed in, "Yeah, that's my gebaur." The boy didn't know what a gebaur was but he knew he had one 'cause mom and dad said he did. *wink*


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