Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Now THAT'S Weird...

I was composing the last post and when I hit "Publish," this popped up:
Except I did nothing of the kind.

Sometimes, a little paranoia is warranted, especially knowing Sipsey Street was hacked a while back, as was the email account of one of Mike's and my key advisers. Anyone else on Blogger notice this before?


  1. i would take that seriously and check your profile information for correctness, then update it all.

    if it is accurate, then when you logout and login, the other person will lose their outdated session. they might know what you know but they didn't hijack your account.

    otherwise, when this is happening real-time, it is imperative that you change the password using your live session as fast as possible, followed by the email address on file, as fast as possible, then change the password for that email address.

    if you have a live session and you find your email address on file is wrong, then the process is backwards: change the email address as fast as possible, followed by the password, as fast as possible. this goes double for sites that reset the password to a random string and then email that to you.

    since you both have live sessions obtained through an asynchronous protocol, you want to be the last one to write the change to the server's database and first to get a new session.

    if it happens again soon thereafter, then they did not guess your password, most likely there is spyware on your computer.

  2. Haven't seen anything like this yet over here.

  3. For a site i think may be hacked, or has been hacked, a super hard Alpha Numeric password is key. Same with the EMail attached to the account. Never can be too secure. I believe that a 10 digit alpha numeric password can be brute forced in 100 years, if the password is within the first half of the possible combinations.


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