Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We're the Only Ones Instructive Enough

While in a holding cell, Deputy Carlock continued to verbally harass Nancy, telling her “you will pay”, and admitting that they had nothing to charge her with, but that he would “find something in order to teach all right wingers and tea baggers a lesson.” [More]
I'll say this for the guy--he's an effective teacher.

[Via Mark T]


  1. 70 million? Is that all? I would sue for at least an order of magnitude more. This entire sorry episode should never have happened. Just points out more of the militarization of the police going on, apparently because of the wholely misnamed "Patriot Act".

  2. All of that is OK, David. It was the Cops what dunnit, so it was the right thing to do.

    I'm sure there are two Cops out there somewhere who are saying something like, "Well, I would never treat a subject, uhh, I mean, a citizen that way..." and "Well that would never happen in MY department..."

    But it does happen, doesn't it? It happens daily, doesn't it? You "really good guys" in Law Imposement, keep supporting the bullies and thugs who do this don't you?

    It is alright though. Keep stroking yourselves. You wear the Super-Hero Costume and bear the Magic Shield, you can't be wrong.

  3. The lady is damn lucky that the asshats didn't take her out and shoot her for "attempting to escape". This whole mess looks like somebody (Carlock) seriously overextended himself and the rest of the idiots involved didn't have the balls to call him on it.

    The town's tax payers who I'm sure have been told to "shut up and pay your taxes" should insist that its aldermen do their best to mitigate damages as much as they can and pay the lady.


  4. Apparently logging someone as a suicide risk is one of the little games the pigs like to play with their helpless/hapless victims. It is an utterly degrading and dehumanizing experience. It strips a human being of any last vestige of dignity. The woman in the report was lucky it only took 3 days to see a shrink. Around here I'm told it can take upwards of a WEEK! Meanwhile you are naked, "dressed" in something very like the padding in a freight elevator and you are in a cell continuously under closed circuit television surveillance. And naturally, since you are at risk to harm yourself, there is no bail possible until a shrink certifies you are NOT a suicide risk.

  5. The one part of this story that hit me hard was the apparent Left Wing indoctrination of the officer who thought it "okay" to mistreat a citizen based on the assumption she was a right wing tea-bagger. And they have the nerve to call us Nazis!


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